Eutaw, Inc.
Eutaw, Inc.
Design and permitting to replace approximately 5,500 linear feet of small, aging water mains with 8" PVC water mains, including all services and new fire hydrants throughout the Betton Hills historic neighborhood. Construction of the project was coordinated and completed in conjunction with the Betton Road Water and Sewer Replacement Project.
Hickory-Spruce Water System Improvements
City of Tallahassee, Florida
Belle Vue Way
Water and Sewer Improvements
City of Tallahassee, Florida
Design and permitting to replace all water mains and gravity sewer along Belle Vue Way from Ausley Road to Hayden Road. The project includes the removal and replacement of approximately 4,100 linear feet of water main, reconnecting all services, and adding fire hydrants throughout the corridor. The project includes the removal and replacement of approximately 3,700 linear feet of gravity sewer main and reconnecting all services. Design completed in 2022.
Potable Water System
City of Live Oak, Florida
Potable Water System
City of Live Oak, Florida
Potable Water System
Design, permitting, funding assistance, and services during construction for the complete replacement of the City's potable water production facilities, including new elevated storage capacity.
Completed in 2011.
Master Lift Station
Wakulla County, Florida
Master Lift Station
Wakulla County, Florida
Design, permitting, funding assistance, and services during construction for the replacement of the County's Master Lift Station in Medart, Florida. Completed in 2011.
Evening Star Water Main
City of Tallahassee, Florida
Evening Star Water Main
City of Tallahassee, Florida
Design of 8" Water Main Extension to provide potable water, eliminate system dead ends, and loop the City's potable distribution system in Northeast Tallahassee. Completed in 2019.
Design and permitting to replace approximatley 3,000 linear feet of 10" main with 12" ductile iron main. Project also included replacement of approximately 1,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer collection main. Construction completed in 2022.
Betton Road Water and Sewer Replacements
City of Tallahassee, Florida
Betton Road Water and Sewer Replacements
City of Tallahassee, Florida